How to Get COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment in Georgia
With vaccines being rolled out across the states, many families are worried they won’t be able to receive vaccination quickly. And that fear is valid – out of the 8 million adults who are eligible for vaccination, only 1 million are fully vaccinated. This means competition is fierce for vaccine appointments.
For websites to book appointments with, check MyVaccineGeorgia, FEMA, County public health departments for Dekalb, Cobb, Fulton and Gwinnet. You may also try the Georgia Vaccine Locator. There are also alternative Facebook groups for vaccine appointments, like Georgia Vaccine Hunters or GA COVID VAX APPT HELP.
While getting vaccinated may not be the easiest task, there is no reason to panic. As more people get fully vaccinated and vaccine supply grows, getting an appointment will become progressively easier.
For now, we advise everyone to keep following COVID-19 safety protocols, such as mask wearing, social distancing, and staying at home.
If you are interested to read more about the vaccine rollout in Georgia, we suggest reading these articles:
Trying to get a Covid-19 vaccine in Georgia? Follow these tips. | Atlanta Mag
The COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan in Georgia | AARP
Georgia gears up to offer COVID-19 vaccine to anyone 16 and up | AJC